Introducing Jiha Park, a remarkable multi-instrumentalist whose musical journey began at a young age in [insert place]. Born with an innate passion for music, Jiha delved into the world of traditional Korean music, dedicating herself to the study of gugak instruments. Specializing in the enchanting tones of the Piri and the ethereal sounds of the Saenghwang, Jiha demonstrated early on her commitment to preserving and evolving traditional musical forms.
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Asian A.V. Club newsletter #14
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Introducing Jiha Park, a remarkable multi-instrumentalist whose musical journey began at a young age in [insert place]. Born with an innate passion for music, Jiha delved into the world of traditional Korean music, dedicating herself to the study of gugak instruments. Specializing in the enchanting tones of the Piri and the ethereal sounds of the Saenghwang, Jiha demonstrated early on her commitment to preserving and evolving traditional musical forms.